04 October 2008

Self-reflection on my "tough" day

Yesterday was a very tough day for me...i was being scolded by my cell group leader. I was supposed to celebrate birthday for one of my cell group sister after the mass cell group meeting at Riverwalk. Taking into assumption that we would be celebrating outside the Conference Room, i did not thought of any others. However, i realised that they wanted to celebrate in the Conference Room, and i was very confused with the instructions given here nor there. It ended up being quite an awkward situation and i was reprimanded by the cgl.

Taking into reflections of what happened, i learnt a few things:
1. Never take into assumptions of anything, always ask when in doubts.
2. It's good to see through arrangements ourselves, rather than having the thoughts that someone will take control.
3. Take authority of tasks and responsibilities given to you.
4. Learn to lead rather than to be led.
5. Accept punishments when things go wrong.

The only thing that i am glad is that i never try to find excuse for my mistakes. Basically, i think that is the only good point that i have. Anyway, i take it positively and a good learning journey for me as my Christian walk.

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