06 February 2008

Walked out of the dark valley

I'm walking out of the valley once again! PTL! I believe Dr AR Bernard's message last 2 weeks had once again restored my faith with God. I has been struggling for the past one yr plus, coping in Chinese svc and cg, and deep in my hurt, i was drifting away from God becos i feel that His presence in my life has become dim. Perhaps it was also due to my inconsistent prayer life because of my hectic work schedule.
However, i made a decision to seek God early morning daily, and i felt that He is back to my life, I feel touch when i sing the worship songs, and I feel His goodness when i sing the praise songs. When i pray, i feel that He is there to listen and advice. What an awesome God we serve!
I feel that God wants me to do more for Him this year, and my cgl challenged me to go for SOT this Apr! I told her that i may consider to do so next yr or so, but she wanted me to pray about it..Till now, I've no answer yet.
I've too much commitment in hand, and i can't leave my job when no one's around. However, i did thought of someone who can take over my job if i left the service for my SOT. It's important as i can't just leave and walk out, this is simply very irresponsible. I shall want to ensure that all my work are being hand over properly...hm...m, sounds like i'm going this year....but deep in my heart, i asked myself, am I qualified to go for SOT? I'm a shy person, not of much guts actually, can i really take up this challenge?

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