27 January 2008

Awesome Service with Dr AR Bernard

Yesterday evening, our church has a special speaker, Dr AR Bernard to come to speak to us. He has been invited to our church at least one or twice a yr for the past 10 years. Yesterday, he spoke about Holy Spirit, and the message stirred me up deep inside from my soul. I have been lukewarm and dishearted with my walk with God, and a lof of time, the worldy stress has put me lost in a way...
When he spoke about the Holy Spirit, i can felt so strong that this message is from God through him! He told us how God sent His son, Jesus Christ to us 2000yrs back, and when Jesus left, God placed the Holy Spirit in us. In other words, God is with us! A lot of time, we lost our identity in Christ due to our own life issues, and we forget that God is with us. Thus, we always use our own strength to deal with life issues, and we end up tired and stress...We totally forgot about the HS that is in us. We should be filled with confidence not because we have the power but we ARE power! During the service, i can't help but tears kept welling off from my eyes, touched by God's love though i'm faithless, and sad that i've always neglected the HS placed in me. I'm always struggle to use my own limited strength.
The message seemed to wake me up again, and i know that i've to seek His face, in regardless of how busy i am. Without the HS, though i can still work towards my organisation expectations, but i'll feel tired, and lose the joy in life that God has created for me. (The joy of the Lord is my strength) With my own strength and neglecting God, He will not be pleased, and how can i strengthen without Him, and how can i be joyful?
I am really very happy that i received the message into my heart, and made a decision to change my attitude, and understand my identity in Christ fully. I'll not feel condemn because of my incapilities or when i failed to accomplish some tasks, because God is with me, and i shall work according to His plans, and not my own selfish desires. I thank God for His faithfulness and His love for me. I'm really excited to shine for God once again! My spirit is filled once again! Amen!

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